Class Selector


public class Selector
extends XPathSupport

Utility for evaluating XPath expressions.

NOTE: Objects of this type are not thread-safe.
To facilitate sharing state between Selectors, you can setup one Selector as a prototype and use the XPathSupport.createSelector() method to create other thread-specific Selectors.

Fields inherited from class net.sf.swan.xpath.XPathSupport
defaultParseAdapter, verifyVars
Constructor Summary
  Selector(org.jaxen.Navigator navigator)
protected Selector(Selector prototype)
protected Selector(XPathSupport prototype)
Method Summary
 void clearExpressions()
 java.lang.Object first(java.lang.String expr, java.lang.Object contextNode)
          Evaluate an XPath expression relative to the specified context node and return the first matching result.
protected  org.jaxen.Context getContext(java.lang.Object node)
protected  org.jaxen.expr.Expr getXPath(java.lang.String expr)
 void putNamespace(java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String uri)
          Define a namespace mapping to be used in parsing XPath expressions.
 java.util.List select(java.lang.String expr, java.lang.Object contextNode)
          Evaluate an XPath expression relative to the specified context node.
 java.lang.String string(java.lang.String expr, java.lang.Object contextNode)
          Evaluate an XPath expression relative to the specified context node as a String.
 boolean test(java.lang.String expr, java.lang.Object contextNode)
          Evaluate an XPath expression relative to the specified context node as a boolean.
Methods inherited from class net.sf.swan.xpath.XPathSupport
createContextSupport, createFunctionContext, createMatchContext, createMatcher, createNamespaceContext, createSelector, createVariableContext, getContextSupport, getDocument, getFunctionContext, getNavigator, getReader, getVariableValue, getVariableValue, getVariableValue, keyMap, parseAVT, parseAVT, parsePattern, parsePattern, parseXPath, parseXPath, putVariableValue, putVariableValue, resolveNamespacePrefix, setFunctionContext, setNavigator, toBoolean, toList, toSingle
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Selector()


public Selector(org.jaxen.Navigator navigator)
         throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException


protected Selector(Selector prototype)


protected Selector(XPathSupport prototype)
Method Detail


public void putNamespace(java.lang.String prefix,
                         java.lang.String uri)
Define a namespace mapping to be used in parsing XPath expressions.
putNamespace in class XPathSupport


public java.util.List select(java.lang.String expr,
                             java.lang.Object contextNode)
                      throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException
Evaluate an XPath expression relative to the specified context node.


public java.lang.Object first(java.lang.String expr,
                              java.lang.Object contextNode)
                       throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException
Evaluate an XPath expression relative to the specified context node and return the first matching result.


public java.lang.String string(java.lang.String expr,
                               java.lang.Object contextNode)
                        throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException
Evaluate an XPath expression relative to the specified context node as a String.


public boolean test(java.lang.String expr,
                    java.lang.Object contextNode)
             throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException
Evaluate an XPath expression relative to the specified context node as a boolean.


public void clearExpressions()


protected org.jaxen.Context getContext(java.lang.Object node)
                                throws org.jaxen.JaxenException


protected org.jaxen.expr.Expr getXPath(java.lang.String expr)
                                throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException